Written by 4:16 pm Lifestyle, world secrets

50 things that literally were in everyone’s home 30 yrs ago that no one owns anymore

30 years ago (it was the early 90’s, so yes we’re all that old) life was not as complicated and hectic. It wouldn’t be fair to say it was easier but the early 90s made for some fun times.

Some of the things you’ll see here may baffle the kids, but take a hit of nostalgia with all the stuff homes back in 1993 used to have.

A huge TV that weighed 300 pounds

It was all the rage then, and the bigger the better, since people would house their sets in the furniture.

Pull out those drawers and you’d find TV guides, tapes, and who knows what else.

Wood was all the rage then, and they would go with bricks or concrete to finish up a house.

It was a thriving industry, unfortunately, at the cost of many trees.

They came in all sorts of colors too, so moms and dads would stretch out and soak in the sun all while getting their backs burnt.

Amazing how these could last under the scorching heat.

Either cigarette smoke, or cigars your grandparents would puff on as they shared stories of their days gone by.

Chances were they sat kids on their laps too, regardless of all the second hand smoke.

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